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NYCC Annual Meeting + COVID-19 Discussion: Monday, June 8


In light of COVID-related restrictions, we went virtual for our 2020 Annual Meeting. After voting in the new slate of board members, there were some exciting announcements about our plans for the 10th anniversary of the Big Sing next year.​ Then we welcomed Catherine Dehoney, President and CEO of Chorus America, who facilitated a conversation titled “Building a Bright Future in a Post-COVID Age.”



Membership Day: February 8, 2020


At the 2020 Membership Day, NYCC members joined in a rousing discussion about education in our choruses in its many forms: outreach, (singer) skill development, and audience engagement.



Fall Programs Day: October 19, 2019


NYCC members joined us at the Balance Arts Center for our annual Fall Programs Day, a day of learning, networking...and, of course, some singing!


2019 sessions included:


  • The Singer's Missing Link: An introduction to singing and The Alexander Technique (Matthew Cahill)

  • Vocal Fundamentals: Energize, Connect, Release! (Amaranta Viera)



The BIG SING 2019: â€‹June 10th, 2019


The 2019 BIG SING featured favorite "Sanctus" movements.


Sanctus from Missa O quam gloriosum, Tomas Luis de Victoria (conducted by David Hayes, New York Choral Society)

Sanctus from Harmoniemesse, Joseph Haydn (conducted by Alistair Hamilton, New York Chamber Choirs)

Sanctus from Mass in C, K. 317, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (conducted by Billy Janiszewski, Tapestry)

Sanctus from Mass in C, Ludwig van Beethoven (conducted by Mark Shapiro, Cantori New York & Cecilia Chorus of NY)

Sanctus from Mass in Eb, Franz Schubert (conducted by Malcolm J. Merriweather, The Dessoff Choirs)

Heilig, Felix Mendelssohn (conducted by James Knox Sutterfield, Florilegium Chamber Choir)

Sanctus from MASS (Kadosh excerpt), Leonard Bernstein (conducted by Ronnie Oliver, Jr., EnsembleNYC)

Sanctus from Requiem, Giuseppe Verdi (conducted by Jana Ballard, NYC Labor Chorus)

Sanctus from Requiem, Gabriel Fauré (conducted by Colin Britt, West Village Chorale)

Sanctus from Mass in B Minor, Johann Sebastian Bach (conducted by Deborah Simpkin King, Schola Cantorum on Hudson



NYCC Membership Day: February 9, 2019 
NYCC's annual Membership Day provides programming specifically designed to help New York City-based choirs thrive and succeed. The day touches artistic and administrative topics alike and provides the opportunity to network with other ensembles.
2019 topics covered included:
  • Fundraising
  • Board Development and Governance
  • Marketing
  • NYCC updates
Topics were selected based on those covered at the Chorus America Chorus Management Institute, held earlier in 2019 and hosted by NYCC.



Chorus America Chorus Management Institute: January 18-20, 2019


The New York Choral Consortium was thrilled to host Chorus America's 2019 Chorus Management Institute, January 18-20, 2019 in New York City. 


Jumpstart your chorus with ideas and skills you can put to use right away! The Chorus Management Institute is a three-day "crash course" that gives you tools, strategies, and a professional network that you can put to immediate use. Faculty will cover key fundamentals and best practices in Strategic Thinking & Planning, Governance & Board Development, Marketing & Communications, Fundraising, and more. 


This program provides an invaluable eduction opportunity for leaders of small and mid-level budget choirs, music directors looking for additional grounding in nonprofit management, new board members and board chairs, and administrative leaders looking for additional professional development.



NYCC Fall Programs Day: October 13th, 2018


NYCC's annual Fall Programs Day offered insightful sessions covering everything from vocal mastery to administrative success tips and tricks. The fall 2018 sessions included: 

  • Plenary Session: Getting Thematic (Kent Tritle, OSNY, Musica Sacra, St. John the Divine, and Ronnie Oliver, Jr., EnsembleNYC) 

  • A conductor's favorite things...Pitch, Rhythm and Diction! (Mark Schnaible, bass-baritone)

  • Alexander Technique (Alexis Martin, Brooklyn College)

  • Building Critical IT Infrastructure (Jacob Levine, Founder & CEO of Chorus Connection).



The BIG SING 2018: â€‹June 11th, 2018


The 2018 BIG SING featured favorite "Gloria" movements.

Palestrina - "Gloria" from Missa Veni Sponsa Christe
Vivaldi - Gloria
Haydn - "Gloria" from Lord Nelson Mass
Mozart - "Gloria" from Mass in C Minor
Schubert - "Gloria" from Mass in G
Bach - "Gloria in excelsis" from B Minor Mass

Ryan Brandau - Amor Artis Chorus
Phillip Cheah - Central City Chorus
Tom Cunningham - Manhattan Choral Ensemble
Susan Glass - The Glass Menagerie, a downtown community chorus
John Daly Goodwin - former director, New York Choral Society
Michael Kerschner - Young New Yorkers' Chorus
John Maclay - The Choral Society
Everett McCorvey - National Chorale
Cynthia Powell - Melodia Women's Choir & The Stonewall Chorale
Stephen Sands - Downtown Voices



Annual Membership Day

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Included topic discussions:

  • Rehearsal and performance space

  • Fundraising and Grantwriting

  • Volunteer Management​



NYCC Fall Workshop 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 9:30am - 2:00pm

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Cathedral School


Included the following sessions:

  • Plenary Session: "The Best of All Possible Worlds: The Problem with American Music and Leonard Bernstein's Choral Works" with Gwen D'Amico

  • Reading Session: Bernstein's Mass led by Malcolm J. Merriweather

  • "Sing in Tune and being in the rhythmic groove" with Tim Krol

  • "Marketing: Strengthening your Choir's Voice" with Alistair Hamilton



The BIG SING 2017

The 2017 BIG SING featured a Mosaic Mass made up of movements from beloved masses plus a few favorite octavos.


Kyrie (Schubert - Mass in G)
My Lord, What A Mornin’ (Burleigh)
Gloria (Puccini - Messa di Gloria)
Adinu (arr. Quadros & Abu-Khader)
Sanctus/Benedictus  (Gounod - St. Cecilia Mass)
Now I Walk in Beauty (Smith)
Agnus Dei (Mozart - Coronation Mass)
Dona Nobis Pacem (Bach - B Minor Mass)



Jason Asbury, Grace Chorale of Brooklyn

David Close, Oratorio Society of Queens

Judith Clurman, Essential Voices USA

Dusty Francis, Park Slope Singers & New York City Master Chorale

Alec Galambos, KHORIKOS

James John, Cerddorion & Queens College Choral Society

John Lettieri, Riverdale Choral Society

Matthew Lewis, St. George's Choral Society

Clara Longstreth, New Amsterdam Singers

Kent Tritle, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Musica Sacra & Oratorio Society of New York

Nelly Vuksic, Brooklyn Conservatory Chorale



NYCC Annual Membership Day 2017

Choruses in Transition

Facilitated in Partnership with Chorus America


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Grace Church School, 86 Fourth Avenue

9:30am – 1:30pm


Choruses undergo many transitions, and thinking strategically about how to plan for and

manage change is the best way to set your organization up for success. Explore the

common transitions – artistic, administrative, and in board structure – that choruses

experience through roundtable discussions with your peers facilitated by our special guests

from Chorus America. You will come away with ideas and tactics to help your chorus

navigate unexpected changes and new opportunities










NYCC Fall Workshop 2016

Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 9:30am - 3:00pm

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Cathedral House


Included the following sessions:

  • Hidden Choral Gems Reading Session

  • Using Social Media as a Marketing Tool with Jacob Levine

  • Healthy Singing for a Lifetime with Amy Justman

  • Grant-Writing Tips and Tricks with Tracey Cowart

  • Sightsinging: Tutorial and Resources with Martha Sullivan

  • Technology for Choirs with Alistair Hamilton


Handouts and resources available on Chorus Connection for members!


Mostly Mozart: World premiere of David Lang’s the public domain

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Lincoln Center Plaza


Lincoln Center commissioned a major new work by Pulitzer Prize-winning and Academy Award-nominated composer David Lang. This new work, titled the public domain, featured a chorus of up to 1,000 singers, recruited from all five boroughs of the city and the metro area.


The New York Choral Consortium was tapped for recruitment outreach within its vast membership of active area choruses, and for rehearsal leadership of this massive undertaking. Several NYCC directors worked with Lincoln Center, Simon Halsey and David Lang on preparing this major musical event in New York City. 

The New York Choral Consortium      c/o Brandau     373 Bleecker St. Apt 2AD  New York, NY  10014

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